Nurse Practitioner Council of Miami-Dade

The NP Council of Miami Dade Mourns the Passing of Dr. Loretta Ford

Posted 23 days ago by Natalie Merino

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Dr Loretta Ford (35 KB)

The Miami Dade NP Council alongside AANP and FNPN mourns the loss of an amazing trailblazer Dr Loretta Ford, who co-founded the NP role in 1965. We also celebrate the profound impact she has had on our profession and the countless lives she touched. Thank you, Dr Ford, for being the heart, soul, and guiding light of the NP role. 

The best tribute to Ford may be to follow her example as a health care leader who recognizes and seizes opportunity. “It is nursing's chance to grab the gold ring and innovate, inquire, invent and inspire this power shift to truly patient-centered care serving the public’s interest and the nation's health, security and economic growth,” she concluded in “Reflections on 50 Years of Change,” and then leaves us with this charge: “The time is ripe for NP leaders to seize the moment.”