Give TODAY! Give Miami Day 2024!
Posted 2 months ago by Thomas Schlepko
We invite everyone to explore the online profiles of hundreds of Miami-Dade nonprofits that continuously provide the supplies, services, and support our residents need. We encourage you to find a cause or an organization you believe in and make a charitable donation.
Donations must be made TODAY.
Here are some board favorites:
- Tom - Miami Rescue Mission
- Mark - Miami Foundation for Mental Health
- Ana - Kristi House
- Laura - Pelican Harbor
- Natalie - Miami-Dade Public Library
- Amy - Special Compass
- Doug - Miami-Dade Animal Services
Feel free to use our favorite charities or choose ones you like at Give Miami Day.
Please be generous to one or many of the charities. Thank you for supporting us to make a difference in our community!